
Classes Archives

August 28, 2006


Be warned: This is one of the filler pages I'm creating so that I don't have to keep editing the links so much.

Well, this is kind of a strange thing, as it first almost seems to conflict with something I said before;

...there are no defined classes in BOL.

Now, while that is true there are still classes just not like you'd think. No defined classes doesn't mean that you can't be a mage or a fighter, it just means that you can be a fighter, as well as anything else you want to be. Or you can be a combination of classes and be a battlemage, or a magetheif, or any other combination you feel like. What this page is here for is to define and describe the major classes that you'll find npcs as being in BOL. You can choose to become one of these if you choose, or something else totally different. Also, the classes that are listed here for now are mostly the fighting classes. Basketweaver could be considered a class, but I don't feel like discussing it here. Crafting and artistry will be discussed somewhere else (orcs! I knew I forgot something). So, the main classes to be described here include:

Warrior: Description goes here
Mage: Description goes here
Tracker: Description goes here
Druid: Description goes here
Archer: Description goes here
Monk: Description goes here
Theif: Description goes here
Assassin: Description goes here
Merchant: Description goes here

If you feel that I'm missing anything important then comment on it. That's why the whole system is here!

About Classes

This page contains an archive of all entries posted to Birth of Legends: Info in the Classes category. They are listed from oldest to newest.

Cities is the previous category.

Creatures is the next category.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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