
Humans Archives

August 26, 2006


The Humans are a race that most people know about. Humans often think that they are better that all the other races except the Elves who they claim are only powerful because of their 'dark' magic. The Human race is very prideful, as a whole, and don't like to except help from anyone, including other humans. Even though Humans tend to act rashly they are still considered fairly bright in many areas. The Human race is the one of most philosophical and understands much about their environment. Even though their knowledge is vast the knowledge of Elves is still greater though they won't admit it. The most unique characteristic of Humans is their complex economy. The only other race that truly shares this kind of economy is the Dwarves. Elves would much rather get the items they need on their own and also they are willing to share between their kind. Orcs and Demons will usually just fight over things and gain or lose items depending on their strength. The Humans' idea of trade has greatly helped them unite as well as they have.

One major flaw in the human race is their attitude of possession. Because Humans believe that they truly own land they are often defeated by their enemies just because they won't go to a safer place for them to battle. Their pride in their possessions has also been a downfall for Humans because they don't go and get help from others.

A Human's favorite weapon is the sword. Different groups of Humans like different types of swords but for most Human warriors and journeymen their sword is their most prized possession.

There are four main groups of Humans. The farmers live in the plains, the sailors live near the ocean, the blacksmiths and masons live in the slightly mountainous regoins, and the warriors and journeymen live in the forests and castles. Unlike the Elves these groups, though they like to be in their certain areas, all interact farily often. Also unlike the Elves and other races Humans give their children more of a choice of what they want to be when they get older and what group you belong to isn't as important to Humans. All a group is to Humans is an addition to their identity, not neccesarily a way of life.

[New Edit:] It seems that I had Elves on the brain while writing this. Some kid at school once offered to retype all the information of the races for me so that everything sounded clearer. He still hasn't gotten around to it though, maybe I'll bother him about it once school starts up again. I think part of what I wrote was also due to the fact that one of my friends is always loyal to the human race and I was trying to prove to him that they weren't a very good race, but I can't remember. I'll just redo it someday.

About Humans

This page contains an archive of all entries posted to Birth of Legends: Info in the Humans category. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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