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Trying to get back to work

Well, I've said that I would be working on making this wiki look better and everything, and I will, but I haven't yet. I haven't even taken another look since the day after my last post. So, I'll try and stop procrastinating soon and fix everything. As some of you (videoguy) may have noticed I was having some problems when I did the initial tests on redoing birthoflegends.com. I'm realizing that it'll probably to best to just start totally over from scratch, and dust off my html skills again (which by the way were never very good (I always thought html too basic to really learn)). Part of my laziness is due to the fact that I've felt there to be little to post about, since I can't really get into programming everything again until I have a server open to the public to work with. The server that I'm using now is great except for the fact that I don't own it, and that the real owners don't exactly want a lot of extra traffic at their bandwidth (this is like a friend of a friend now since the first one was never revived). As for how BOL is going, it depends on which aspects your talking about. Serverwise, and therefore codewise, it's not progressing quickly but it is progressing. Ideawise, it's progressing a lot. Even though not much activity has commensed much (at all) on the forums there have been many "private" conversations that have gone over some of the more finer aspects of BOL. So, and maybe I'll do this in my waiting of the server, I need to go through all of those conversations (most where through email or an IRC and have been recorded) and write out the information somewhere and then post it on the site. As mentioned before I plan to update and integrate all the old information (most of which is still relevant) with this new stuff, and put it into wiki form so that I can let others help me update it and also make it easier to update. Graphicswise though, which in some ways is the most important progression right now, I think has stopped completely. I never claimed to have any real artistic talent when it came to modelling so I've been unable to do much. However, it is possible that a few people who said they had stuff for me before still do and that I'll recieve it someday.
In other news, I've been going over the collision to make it more dynamic, realistic, and just better in general. This is providing to be partially difficult though I think I can do it. That's about it for today. Also, I just remembered, my foot that was bitten by the spider is getting much better. I am now only using one crutch instead of two, and have even tried walking without it a few times. So, that being said, by sunday I think I'll be able to walk again without crutches and by next week I might even be able to run, which I've missed. So that's it. Hopefully next time I post the layout will have changed.



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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 3, 2006 3:57 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Getting somewhere....

The next post in this blog is Going, will be back again....

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