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Returning of the server

Wow, it's become so barren here. So this is to change that. Basically, the server working from my house totally failed, so I have to get it back to Jon where we know it will work as it did before. The bad thing is that this could take a little while because of the lack of times I see Jon. So, it will get to him by Sunday at the latest. In the mean time I'm still working slowly on animation, English projects, modelling, lab reports, and some small movies. So, this and this is what I've been doing (I've done more but these are already on the site right now). And I'm tired of writing.



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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 25, 2006 6:41 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Side note.

The next post in this blog is Return of the problems.

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