There hasn't been much updating lately so I thought I should. I'm taking a look at the core engine now for the networking stuff to try and figure out what is wrong. What I'm wondering is if nothing is wrong and it's just not working anyway, but there isn't any good way for me to know. If I can't get anything to work within the next week then I'll consider totally rewriting all network code with network code from an actual engine like Raknet or something, but I don't really want to spend the time that that would require. On another note I still have been unable to find the warranty papers, and because of that I'm going to try out a usb-mouse on wednesday to see if that will bypass the ps2 port problem. If it will then updates will be faster again because I'll be able to comiple everything in a much much shorter time. Today I'll just be reviewing code and animating, because that is fun. That is all.