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Well, luckily for me and possibly unluckily for everyone else there was no explosion. Yet, I haven't tried turing it on yet because I feel a need to look over all the wires a third time to make sure nothing will explode. One other aside before I tell you the details of the surgery is that there was a computer from California that was claiming to be a relative of one of the patients and tried to sue me. Luckily he had misplaced his papers and brought no evidence to court. So I wasn't sued.

The surgery was very intense. It took me ten minutes before I could safely turn this computer back on (if having an entire computer including the power supply and excluding the hard drives outside of cases is safe). After another ten minutes we learned that one of the main arteries (the aorta to be exact) was too short. Then when relocating the heart to a better location there was a kidney failure (floppy drive) and a liver (power button wire) problem that we hadn't diagnosed before. Luckily for our patient there was a liver availible from a patient who had died many years ago. Unluckily, this new liver wasn't a perfect match, and it was very old, but it looks like it will do for now. About the right kidney, well I rewired his brain (bios) so he no longer thinks he needs it. I think if we pump a constant supply of medicine (software) into him he'll be alright. He is currently recovering in stasis and I think he'll be alright, but I think I may want to take a picture before I jumpstart him (press the power button), just in case. So, wish me luck.


p.s. The server computer is back up, and I'm working as fast as I can to set up the fixes, but it will take some time with all this thanks giving activity that is taking place right now. Hopefully I'll have it up by tonight.


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