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Server is fixed

Yay! Everyone celebrate by logging in, shooting snowballs, and taking screenshots! For those of you who haven't already you can download the client here. I figured out what was up with the whole crashing thing, fixed the code, recompiled it, and even tested it so I know it works. So, go on, play!

Now that the network is working fairly normally I need to figure out which one of the things I said I'd do next, that I should do first. So, here's what I think the choices are: Npcs, new models, actual physics, or better fighting/a real weapon. Or, if I had said something else, which I probably did, and didn't list it here, and you'd rather see that, then tell me. I'll need some input of what's wanted the most before I start doing it. So, leave a comment here, or post it on the forums, or email me.



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So, no one wants to help me, except for Achenar. So, other people, feel free to tell me what you want, but right now I'm going to be creating the login screen and a character selection screen. There may be a castle entering the game after I finish that, and if everything works out right the game will patch itself so you won't need to download a new version.



If you can see this, comments are actually working for me now.

I already made my suggestions, come to think of it... but just to have it on the record, I voted for Character models and an actual login screen. After these, I believe realistic physics, followed by actual combat, then weapons, then finally, NPCs. After all that, the game's pretty much done, except for the world. Makes me wish I could do more than just sit here and test whatever comes next. ^^;

Anyhow, Aqua also mentioned to me that there might be a map builder on the way too. I look forward to that, if, indeed, it happens. If it's user-friendly enough, I'd actually be able to do something. And I have some ideas for locales!

Snowballs and chat work! Yay!

Wish I actually had time to... do stuff.


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