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School is boring

So, I'm writing this from school because I'm bored. Good news, there are only 14 errors left as of this morning. Bad news, I'm not at home so I can't fix it right now. So that's the current status.


[Later] So, now I'm home and I'll be working on those 14 errors shortly. But, I feel that I should finish my school rant. Basically, I'm fine with being bored in school, but they really need to stop trying to prevent me from doing things during my boredom. Like, for instance, I redownloaded BOL today at school, and I try to connect, and I get a "cannot connect" error. And I knew for a fact that the server was still up so it was so annoying, as you may imagine, to realize that my school was blocking be from contacting the server. Because of my anger I'll be spending the next few days at school figuring out how to route the demo through the school network. Once I figure it out I'll tell all of you so you can play from school too (of course, if it wasn't blocked for you in the first place you won't care). So that's my school rant of the week; I hate my school's network. [/Later]


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