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Still working on it

I wasn't really thinking when I said I'd put out a new release today. Yesterday I wasn't home very much, and today I've been busy with Christmas. I'm leaving in a few minutes as well, so I'm not certain that I'll be able to get everything done in time for today, but here's what you'll definitly have by tonight:
Realtime shadows,
Mouse wheel bugfix,
Camera bugfix,
the optional WSAD control.

As for everything else: I haven't actually looked at the login screen so I'm not sure whether I'll have time to get that up or not. For npcs, the client part is finished but I still need to fix a few bugs client-side. So, even though you might not see npcs by tonight, they will be around. Also, because it's an easy thing to do, I'm going to be adding a whole lot of fuctionality in the config file, so those of you who want to see other features, or have fun playing around, can. The config file can be edited while the game is running and changes will be made in real-time (for most things anyway). So, I'm off to a Christmas party of sorts, and I'll post here again later tonight when I have a better idea as to what's going to happen.



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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 25, 2006 12:00 PM.

The previous post in this blog was The Christmas Plan.

The next post in this blog is Merry Christmas!.

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