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Well, it's been a few days since I last posted anything, and you might all have wondered what's up, so I'll tell you: My computer works again!!! I got a new motherboard from Newegg yesterday, though sadly I wasn't able to try it out because I was already helping other people with their computers and doing some modifications, plus I had to figure out where I was going to take the parts from, but that's besides the point. So, today, and still going on now, is a big transition back to 1 gig of ram. But, unlike I had originally planned, I decided to practically build another computer instead of just switching out the old motherboard again so that I'd have two computers to work with which will hopefully increase productivity. So, lets count... I currently have 8.5 computers in my room. 8.5 instead of 9 because I don't have enough power supplies to run them all, as if I had enough outlets :P . But now I have an additional 80 gigs to add to the 120 gigs that I've been using recently. That will hopefully last me till the end of the month, but I can't be sure.
So now for BOL news; I haven't looked at the code since the last time I posted. The current download is still the latest build. Tomorrow if I have time I'll add some more fun and try to finish up some of the old promises, but I might be sidetracked for a while now that I have a decent amount of ram again. I'll post again tomorrow. Lol, tomorrow is in 1.5 hours.



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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 12, 2007 10:11 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Release of 1/7/07.

The next post in this blog is The Server is Revived.

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