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I wasn't able to finish the next update today, and I won't be home much the next two days so I think the next major update will be this sunday. Anyway, I thought I might as well tell you what I've worked on so far today. First I made about 6 new animations for the gnu so that he can hold a sword or axe, which I think will be the first weapons to be seen in BOL. Also, I perfected some new particle effects so that in addition to snowballs we can have some spells, fireballs and the like, to cast around at folks. Also (and this is partly theoretical still) I was thinking of putting in some targets so that even when no one else is online you can have something to find and shoot at. For targets I was thinking of putting little igloos with a bullseye painted on them randomly on the map. When you hit them they'd explode and respawn somewhere else. So, as I said that part is still mostly theoretical but I think I can do it without too much problems. Also, since I now in a way have more time before this next release I'll try to at least have proper physics for snowballs. Any other ideas or requests would as always be appreciated.



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Comments (2)


Hmmm... Weapons and spells? Very exciting, I must say, but I'd honestly rather see a new character model than see fighting... I mean, a gnu with an axe throwing fireballs just doesn't do much for me. As I like to say: it's not about how good you do, it's about how good you look doing it. So, yeah, character customization is most important, in my opinion, but I realize its hard to have that when you've got no models. ^^;


I'll take that into account. The more I get into the code the more I realize how much organization I lack/need. So, if the next update has a bunch of random xml files, then it will.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 25, 2007 8:15 PM.

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