« Highscore List and a Contest! | Main | Targets! »

Anyone out there?

No matter what I do it seems that you guys just don't want to play BOL anymore... which is kind of depressing. No one has logged in for a few weeks, so why do I even bother to update? Well, the thing is, no matter how boring you all are I'm still going to continue in the slight hope that someone will come along who cares. For people who want to know, Mankar (me...) has found two more cracks in the time-space continuum so it is possible to earn up to 35 points at least before (or even after) tomorrow. I'm pretty certain that there are more cracks then that so I still encourage people to go out and find them. About the targets, I'm still figuring out how they should respawn, and I also need to finish up the mysql code, but I still think that I'll be able to release it tomorrow. After targets, and through targets the solidifying of a basic point system, I'll get some actual character models and make the login/character selection screens once and for all. I'd love to hear any other requests, ideas, or wants you might have as I love to get feedback. Have a good day.



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Comments (1)


Hi! I haven't left a comment here in a long time. don't be depressed, we all still care about the project ^^

Im taking a break from homework to start downloading the new version right now.

this comment system is kind of like a progressive forum huh?

btw I got the comment to work finally.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 6, 2007 6:34 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Highscore List and a Contest!.

The next post in this blog is Targets!.

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