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Login Screen of Doom

So, I have been spending many hours on this login screen seemingly to no avail. I did get it to work partially, but for one it still looks really bad and secondly it's buggy and doesn't fully work all the time. So, I'm going to keep working at it but no guarantees. But, as this is making me very tired/annoyed, is there anything else someone wants me to work on right now? I know I still need to implement actual physics, real models (which I still don't have), and get the quest system going. Oh, and about those targets that were supposed to be fully functional so long ago, let's just say that they work fine over here now, but that only two people have tried logging in since that time. If they don't work for you please tell me. Ok, I guess that's it really for today, unless I have a big breakthrough soon.



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to see the login screen do we have to download a new version of the game, or does the Shard thing have it when you connect?

It seems like if you log into a shard from that dialog box you shouldn't need a login screen?

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 27, 2007 6:57 PM.

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