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Recompiling the world

Great news today! I finally got visual studio installed on the good computer! That's basically what I've been working on the past like four days. So, now that that is finally setup I can compile new code a lot faster, as well as compile two different things at once (like server on one comp and client on another). So, right now I'm just recompiling all the code, engine, dependencies, and game, to make sure that everything really is set up right and also to get rid of a few errors that might have carried over from the other computer. So, that should take up most of today, and I'm having a Starcraft party tonight with the East coast "staff" of MTTB Games, so that will take up the rest of today. I've figured out some of the collision problem but a few things are still to be worked out. So, sorry for nothing really new but that's all I have for right now. You can still play BOL at any time. Have a good day!



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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 20, 2007 1:56 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Tired.

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