« Slow and Steady wins the race, right? | Main | Tomorrow's Update »

New Content Coming soon

Ok, so that awesome idea that I had last post wasn't quite as easy as I had thought it might be, but it's just as good. Anyway, I'm not going to give away what I'm doing just yet but I am going to say that I will make the game much more playable and fun. What I'm doing now is creating the main animations for each of the major races (I created rough models that look good in the way they are for each race. Character selection is going to go along with this next release. I can't reveal more at this time.). So, be prepared in this next month for some sword swinging, snowball slinging, and fireball casting action in the near future, along with customizable controls, working shadows, and physics (the ability to jump and for accurate everything else). These aren't empty promises, as some of my past posts have turned out to be, but actually coded features that are simply waiting to be used (well, not quite so simply... I still need to finish those animations, but close enough). I'll be hard at work on this in the next few days and hope to have something by Saturday, with the rest that I promised by the end of the month.



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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 14, 2007 10:03 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Slow and Steady wins the race, right?.

The next post in this blog is Tomorrow's Update.

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