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Another Day

So I failed on the update for today but it was caused by an absence of work, ironically. Today I uncovered an old scanner that I had never gotten to work and decided to fix it. So, I spent most of the day figuring out that I needed to use a Windows 98 box because the drivers were so old and then I spent a lot of time scanning in different things. Taking a brief look at the code right now shows me that I need to rewrite a few switch statements and comment out some other code to fix the chat box issue. For the waist deep in snow problem I need to adjust how the skeleton is loaded and to fix the shadow problem I just need to cast the shadows individually instead of trying to set them for the characters and swords as a whole. Now that I finished the sound implementation I can use that voice-over-ip stuff that's been sitting in the corner of my desktop as well as add sound effects. So, now that I know what I'm doing again I'll have another update by saturday (because I can't guarantee that I'll do much work tomorrow). Until next time.



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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 19, 2007 10:13 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Bad news.

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