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What I'm doing

I think that that is a pretty good question; What am I doing? Right now I'm watching a movie while trying to fine-tune the camera so that it looks better. But, I've also been doing a lot of tests and changes and should have something to show for all this work by the end of the week. In the last update I didn't update the full download because of the new bugs that I haven't figured out yet, being a) after you login the "your connected" message won't leave and b) throwing a snowball will occasionally cause a crash (though I haven't seen this problem since yesterday). Those two bugs weren't there before the hard-drive crash so I don't know how they got there, but I'm working on it. Also, for the wsad people, I've been trying to create an activate command window type key to make that process easier, and it almost works. The only problem I'm having right now is that because of bug A that is mentioned above you can't use the chat box after you login at the moment, which is bad. So, just so everyone knows, you can use the escape key to erase whatever is typed in the chat box.
Other things I am working on; fixing up the stick figure guy, adjusting the camera as I mentioned before, fixing the sword texture, making the npcs talk, and getting that login screen to not crash. Wish me luck.



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Comments (2)


You've certainly made some progress. I still working on learning to build character models, and I'v emade some progress, so maybe when that's finised we can replace the stick figure. (I still have a ways to go before I can build anything decent looking though)

will the NPCs actually be interactive yet or are they just going to say the same thing each time you talk to them at this point?


NPCs will be both interactive and dynamic. But that will take a little bit of time yet.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 9, 2007 7:11 PM.

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