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May 2007 Archives

May 4, 2007

I'm Sick

As the title says, I'm sick. And I have been since my birthday, go figure. I won't be working much on BOL this weekend if at all because of three AP tests that I have next week as well as because I need sleep. Sorry for not updating the site in so long and then having this news.


May 17, 2007

Thinking about the world

Progress on Birth of Legends has greatly slowed down this past month, for various reasons which have been posted previously. Since my last post I've had a toe injury and a small amount of homework for once. But, these small excuses really aren't what's slowing me down. So I've been thinking about what should be done for progress to be made and have been trying to figure out what's really slowing me down. And, after much thinking about the situation I have figured out the biggest thing that's slowing me down: lack of goals and preparation.
What that means is that while yes, I have had many goals from week to week, I never really solidified the big picture of the game causing chaos in the order of goals and in the code. Chaos code-wise is the biggest problem right now. To fix this problem I'm going to have to use the second thing that I've lacked in the past; preparation. It's true that in the forums, on paper, and in emails I have created the big picture which is BoL. But, what I've failed to do is to put all that information into one place so I can rationally work on coding everything without chaos. So, for the next week or so I'm going to be working mainly on that and finish what was started at the beginning of this project. During this time of planning I'm going to be updating most, if not all, of the information pages here on the site as well as reassessing what my programming goals should actually be. If anyone wants to help me with compiling information I'm welcome to the help. I can't wait to get back to the old trend of constant updates.


p.s. The server is down. I'm not sure when this happened but I noticed it yesterday and I'm going to send some emails to find out the problem. I'll post again once I find out what's up with that as well.

May 21, 2007

The Big Picture

No, I haven't updated any of the information pages yet. Yes, I'm still planning to in the nearish future. What I have done though is figure out the big picture (compiled all the information about BoL into one location) on paper. The next step is to convert it to code, or construct an outline of what the code should look like when everything is finished. Hopefully I'll be done by Saturday so I can have something to show anyone who might be reading this now. Of course, there is a bit of bad news. Mainly windows decided that my license expired the last time I reinstalled windows so unless I register in 2.5 days I will be locked out of the computer. I think I know a good workaround for that but if not, wish me luck. I hope your enjoying your week.


About May 2007

This page contains all entries posted to Birth of Legends in May 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

April 2007 is the previous archive.

June 2007 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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