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The Big Picture

No, I haven't updated any of the information pages yet. Yes, I'm still planning to in the nearish future. What I have done though is figure out the big picture (compiled all the information about BoL into one location) on paper. The next step is to convert it to code, or construct an outline of what the code should look like when everything is finished. Hopefully I'll be done by Saturday so I can have something to show anyone who might be reading this now. Of course, there is a bit of bad news. Mainly windows decided that my license expired the last time I reinstalled windows so unless I register in 2.5 days I will be locked out of the computer. I think I know a good workaround for that but if not, wish me luck. I hope your enjoying your week.



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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 21, 2007 5:38 PM.

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The next post in this blog is I'm Alive.

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