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I'm Back. Server Missing. Got License.

I've been a little bit slow in updating but I have a reason. I originally planned to update sometime during camp but I never got around to it. I would have set up the server and let people start playing, but shortly before I left for camp I became unable to connect to the server. And, I am still unable to connect. I believe that the problem is that the "static" IP changed however as I don't have any way to directly talk to the owner I can't confirm that yet. So, until I Jon gets a response and forwards it to me I won't be able to put up the server.

In other news, I got my license! Now of course I don't have a car that I can drive whenever I want, but I do have it. Well, I'll go and finish up the client now and hope that the server is found soon. Thanks for being patient.



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Comments (4)

jonathan miller:

sorry mark im the guy hosting the server i lost power and the server resert the ip its should be fine now try it

jonathan miller:

if u need to reach me my aim is gamerjn


Jon, thanks for the help. I was able to connect again. I'm just finishing up the client stuff now.


jonathan miller:

no problem if u need to contact me jon knows my email and i told u my aim so that it we shouldnt have anymore problems and sorry for the delay

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 21, 2007 3:43 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Server is Back!.

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