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Update on Life

Many people have been asking me recently about how BOL was doing, why the server was down, and when will I release more of the game/when can people start playing. So here's to answer some of those:

Q: Why is the server down/when will it be up again?
A: The server was down (as I learned today) because the server computer was reset and I didn't have all the startup configuration set up properly. It is up again now, but you must understand that the server that's running and the client you can currently download are very old, are mostly just an alpha or pre-alpha test, and don't really reflect much of the game besides graphics quality. The more recent updated actual game stuff is on the hard drive that is still lacking a motherboard.

Q: What's up with this motherboard thing, and why isn't it fixed yet?
A: It's complicated. Long story short I'm waiting for my friend's mom to finish talking to newegg and get me a motherboard (last I heard it should be here by next wednesday at the latest).

Q: Has any work been done on BOL without your main computer?
A: I'm not sure yet. Basically, I've tried doing some stuff with my other machine but this computer can't currently run BOL, so I can't test anything, and it was work on older code then the stuff on the currently unavailable hard drives, so I don't know if it actually works.

Q: With the server being an old version is there any real reason to try it out right now?
A: Yes and no. Yes, because you can still find bugs for me that can help me to make improvements later. No, because you'll probably be playing by yourself and I think I forgot to reset the npcs (I'll go fix that in an hour or so if I remember). There are many changes that I really want to release like right now but I can't until that motherboard gets here, so have fun finding bugs but it will still be some time (a few weeks) before actual gameplay is available.

Q: If I'm new and want to find information on BOL, where should I look?
A: Right now information is kind of scattered throughout this site and the old forums, and a lot of the site information is outdated. I'll post some links here a little later as well as fix up the site some more if I find the time (college essay to write, VHS homework to do, Christmas party tonight, house work to do). Sorry for not having a better answer.

Q: Talking about the forums, is there a current forum to go to?
A: Yes. I haven't told anyone yet but there have been forums at http://birthoflegends.com/phpBB3/ for a while now, I just neglected to mention it because I wanted to change the page style first. Now that it has been up for a few months and I've failed to do anything about it I don't think I should bother to wait any longer. You can ask any questions you have there and I'll try my best to answer them quickly.



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