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Something to Play/Test

[Edit 2: I'm sorry for people who downloaded it earlier but I found out at school today that I forgot to include some dlls. They are included now. If you want just the dlls you can ask for them either by commenting here or emailing me. ]

[Edit: It's done, you can download it here or at the link to the right. Disclaimer: This is not the game, this is was a test for importing terrain/plants/water. It won't snow at the beach in the actual game, terrain will be smoother, and other stuff... I probably know all the bugs you'll encounter but tell me anyway. Also, if for some reason this doesn't work for you tell me. ]

So a few minutes ago I received a phone call from Caleb begging for something to play. And, since I just so happen to be working on maps and new content I thought I'd finally put something up. This is an offline demo because I haven't gotten these maps onto the server yet. This is just a test client, missing many things but there are still all the dev/gm commands (If you want a list of them type "/help" in game). It hasn't been uploaded yet because the folder on my computer is about 3.5 gigs, so I'm still working on getting just a few maps in one folder and working. I'll update this post when it's up.



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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 31, 2008 8:23 PM.

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