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Karnevil Madness

I've been meaning to post this here for awhile now and just haven't gotten around to it. My final project for Intro to Game Design this past term was a fun collection of mini-games called Karnevil Madness. Basically your a kid who's trapped in a carnival-like place and have to defeat the evil clowns in various mini-games to escape. The game was made by me and two other students. All of us are considered "Tech" people, with little or no artistic ability, so remember to think about the gameplay more than the graphics :) . There are a few unresolved bugs due to us building our mini-games separately and then squishing them together with an interactive menu screen in the last 15 minutes before it was due (which I made and turned out pretty nice by the way). Also, we forgot to integrate the story line until the last 5 minutes before it was due, but hopefully you won't notice too many typos :) .
On another side note, there is a small problem with this version. Version 3.2 had lots of bugs but the load/save menus still worked. In the final version, 3.3, they no longer worked for some unknown reason (we hadn't even looked at that code). What is actually in the download will not be 3.3 but a sort of 3.35, with no extra bug fixes but rather a change of the tier system since the murder-go-round had been a required mini-game to beat originally and suffered from the most problems (making it hard for most people to beat it). Hope you enjoy it!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 27, 2008 11:47 AM.

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