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Falling into place

Things with the wiki-like setup are starting to fall into place. As you may have already noticed a new Links section has been added to the right that has different links for information. I'm still working on it and right now the information that is there is just a direct copy from the old stuff, so there are still some mistakes. A new thing though is that you can make comments right under each section, which will help me with the updating of it. I'll read everything that people post and if it's correct then I'll add it into the already existing stuff. Right now the links on the outside frame above me still go to the older pages, except for news which goes here. The reason for this is that first of all this site doesn't look that great yet and also I've been too lazy to change it again yet. One other thing, you may wonder if I've managed to finish my English project for school, as I said I wouldn't work on this much until after I finished that. Well, who cares about school anyway? I'm just taking a little bit of a break as I finished the dictionary and the essay. All I have left is some had-written notes, which will take time since I am terrible at writing. So, enough about me, go and comment up the sections!



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Comments (8)


take a wild guess at what i'm going to ask?

is it really that hard?

shouldn't it just involve deleting the html that puts the frame in?


But see Ix, if you don't have a frame to load the wiki into, how should I load the wiki onto the main page? They aren't in the same location.



what do you mean they aren't in the same location?

and even then, couldn't you just have the wiki load onto an empty web page, instead of this page-inside-a-page?


What I mean is that it's not actually being hosted at birthoflegends.com. It's being hosted at the same place the forum is, because bol.com's hosting plan isn't flexible enough.

And about loading this in an empty page, possible, like if I just did a redirect or something, but then you'd see where the links were really pointing too, and that wouldn't be as cool. Their is some way though to make the frame be there without being there that I haven't quite figured out yet. Once I figure that out it will all be good.



in that case i strongly look forward to your progress on making the 100% frame work...


Well, I must say, the new setup has improved BOL's (well, the site's) look overall. Looks a lot cleaner and easier to read, though I agree that the whole "box inside a box" syndrome is annoying-ish. Still, nice to see some changes!


Ok, here's the line of code you need. It will establish an iframe that takes up 100% (well not quite, but pretty close) of the browser window space. Fully autostretch.

It's my guess that you'd just insert that below the header, or just put the header in the blog itself (which would be cleaner). There's probably also a way to remove that irksome border/margin. You'll see what I mean when you implement the code.

Yeah... and because it uses html for style (instead of bbCode), myt code didn't paste right. I'll email it to you.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 26, 2006 9:33 AM.

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