« Falling into place | Main | Even more changes! [Edit #1] »


Ok everyone, today as you've probably noticed by now I've slightly improved the frame situation. There is still a little bit of a problem but at least it's a lot better. If you were checking the site while I was updating it then I'm sorry for everything being screwy during those 10 minutes. Now I need to go and I'm not sure when I'll get back today. This will give you guys plenty of time to add comments throughout the site. Also, I've updated the demon and gameplay pages with some newerish information.



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Comments (4)


i'll lead the cheer:

Hip! Hip! ...





oh, could you remove/move the copyright from the bottom so that as i'm scrolling down i don't get that wierd double-scroll thing...



I'm not going to remove the copyright, but I am going to try to resize the big frame slightly so that it's no longer an issue. I already feel your pain.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 27, 2006 8:07 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Falling into place.

The next post in this blog is Even more changes! [Edit #1].

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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