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And the wait continues...

Ahhh! This wait is killling me! But, sadly it continues. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the server as far as I can tell, so I'm not sure why the client can't stay connected. Oh, wait, I just had an Idea...

Amazing, it worked even though I had the wrong idea! Basically, while typing a few minutes ago I thought that a port was being blocked which was preventing me from actually connecting with part of the client after using the scripts. But, actually, ther server was sending the wrong ip. It was sending of all things instead of the right one. So, I now know where the problem is and how to fix it. But I still won't be opening the server to the world tonight because I promised Jon I'd start making a 3d movie for him and also that I want to fix some more coding things. And about the coding things I've almost totally fixed the visual studio problem. Almost.



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