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...And the wait ends

I finished the configuration thing and the server works as it should now. I'll upload the new files and open it to you guys tomorrow sometime after school. Now, for some food and sleep.



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too bad i signed up for way too much hw this semester so i might not have enough time to play...

if you really want to stress test it i'll post it to my school's gaming club conference. that should get at least 15 or so people playing (though mostly on weekends since there is a strict "no gaming" rule during the week (though technically only if you get caught...



It's ok if you can't play. Right now I'm just going to be needing people to log into the server and see if they can see other people. Really, I only need one other person besides myself just to make sure that it's working. 15 people at once right now would make looking at logs very confusing. Thanks for the offer though. I'll accept it later once this initial testing is over.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 11, 2006 8:10 PM.

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The next post in this blog is The Final Countdown.

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