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Oh right, BOL

[EDIT:] There is a problem with recompiling the demo which I need to fix. It will be up tomorrow, I can almost promise that. [/EDIT]

Sorry guys, I've been getting distracted. I am currently watching Dune, the first mini-series that sci-fi put out, and it's quite interesting. Update on the server; It has a static IP now and as far as I can tell it fully works. Slight problem though, I can't test it with it's IP, only people totally outside my network can. So, I need to figure out a way around that so that I can play too. But I really want to continue watching dune too. So, I may not finish things today, sorry if I don't. I'll post again later.



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Finish it up while I'm still at school and have some massive bandwidth to download updates. ;-)



Sorry videoguy, I'm tired and I'm also having lots of fun with Dune. Tomorrow.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 12, 2006 6:43 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Hmm...What to do, what to do?.

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