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Things are getting fixed!

Ok, the server isn't fixed, so I spent some time today on other improvements. First of all the character's head bug is fixed!!! I'll put up a patch later on. Proof of this can be seen here and here. Also, I figured out what was wrong with the texture loading, and have begun recoding some stuff that way. Now the new characters that you haven't as of yet been able to use can load their textures correctly. I think that after the server is finished being a pain I'll make an update that has npc guys walking around. One final thing that has been fixed, though I haven't finished integrating it yet, is the screenshot function. No longer will your screenshots be taken upside down. So that's about it. I didn't post this sooner because my internet was down for a little bit. Hopefully it will be up the rest of the night though.



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Comments (3)


sveet! no more gnu with a really bad whiplash!



Don't worry guys. I'll be doing a lot more fixing of bugs now with the server close by and easy to update.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 5, 2006 7:58 PM.

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The next post in this blog is I'm at school (or I was).

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