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I'm at school (or I was)

The stuff below in italics is old. I just think that having three posts in one day might be over doing it. Anyway, here is the long awaited head bug fix. Just read the readme that comes with it to know what to do. If for some odd reason that doesn't work then tell me, and I'll get right on it. And, if your like Nick and don't like to post comments then email me at support@birthoflegends.com. Or, you could also post on the forums. Server update; I'm still awaiting that magic number, though I've been assured that I'll get it by tomorrow. Today if I have time after calculus homework and Dune reading I'll put up some screenshots of new characters with textures, though I don't know how that will all go yet. Until then.


This is my first post from school. The security now has more holes then ever, which is awesome. I forgot to bring my files with me, so I can't upload a patch from here. You'll just have to wait until I get home. But don't worry, you'll get correct head action by 4:00 pm my time (I'm thinking). Until then...


[Edit:] The voting has ended. The third dwarven city will be called Tronjkrahm. Case closed. Now I'm going to "pretend" to continue my schoolwork. [/Edit]


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hey mark can a town be named ron or something hat has ron it it he he

im bored

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 6, 2006 11:51 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Update and new Monitor.

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