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[Edit2:] It's time for the next round of testing. I'm not sure whether it's actually fixed or not (can't test it myself), but things do appear to be working again at the moment. Sorry for my slowness, I was dragged to a college fair which was unexpected and longer than enticipated. I'm not sure how much more work I can get done tonight, we'll see. If you get an error message 13 then what I tried didn't work, otherwise, it did. And I'm not sure if this fix fixes everything or not, so sadly snowballs might not be seen. Enjoy testing! [/Edit2]

[Edit:] I now kind of know what was going wrong, so I'm going to first eat supper and then get to work on it. In the meantime you guys can try and set a new record for players on at the same time (right now the record is two). I'll post here or email people individually when I'm ready for more tests. [/Edit]

Here's the deal; The part of the server that seemed to be having the problems has been recompiled. Packets are being sniffed. So, now all that's missing is people trying to play. If the problems from before are still happening I'll hopefully be able to figure out where the packets are going.



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I'll get on as soon as I can get on my regular computer. I'm forced to borrow a laptop as power is off in the room where my computer is.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 12, 2006 4:21 PM.

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