There is a very good reason for me not updating anything yet. That reason is; I haven't used my computer for the last 36 hours. So, granted, I have yet to take the three hours it takes 256 ram to compile a simple program with debugging information and then upload it to the server. I know where the general area of this problem is occuring but I don't know why. Anyway, when I get home from school today I should have enough time to accomplish that. In the meantime the server is still up for those of you who wish to be online.
Comments (2)
I feel your pain... After having 2Gb of RAM, going back to 256Mb would be absolutely stone age for me. I will probably never buy another computer with less than 1Gb. And I'm about to try 64bit Linux on it in the next week or so...
Posted by videoguy217 | October 12, 2006 2:53 PM
Posted on October 12, 2006 14:53
Well, I'm home now and compiling begins. I'll try to post updates along the way from other computers so we'll see how this turns out.
Posted by Mark | October 12, 2006 3:17 PM
Posted on October 12, 2006 15:17