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Computer Doesn't like me

So, today I haven't been able to use my computer. I tried starting up the computer with a usb mouse to no avail. Then, I scoured the internet to a solution to my problem. I found lots of explanations, none which turned out to work or be true. I switched ram, cleared bios (which worked once but then wouldn't start up again), swapped graphics cards, and basically found out through testing that absolutely nothing hardware related is wrong (though ps2 port failure is still a possibility). Sometime when I find the desire to waste more time I'll clear the cmos again and try to use different settings. Naturally, as you may have guessed, I haven't been able to work on BOL at all today, and very little yesterday. I'll check on the server but as far as I know it should still be up (yet not fully functional, blah). I'm done ranting.



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