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New Attempt

So, in case your wondering, my computer still isn't working correctly. I got it to work once, and then made the mistake of shutting it off. There is something seriously wrong with one of the connections though I've lost all patience to figure out which one. On a better note, I've figured out a way to get the server to work properly, though I still don't know what was wrong in the first place. The bad side about this is that it will take some time as I need to rewrite a big part of the code for the network (I'm implementing a different server solution from another game, that I can integrate with what I have already written). What will make this slow is that my time with my 256 megs of ram is divided between BOL and another project right now which I'll post a link to later once it's closer to completion. And that's about it.



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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 22, 2006 4:41 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Quarterlies.

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