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What's going on

So here is an update on what's happening:
Forum: Is back up. Only registered users can post but anyone can view it. I'll work with videoguy on other fixes later.

Server: This is still down. Is scheduled to be fixed by monday. I'm doing a lot of coding today and hopefully will have some positive results by then.

Wiki: I haven't looked at it in a while. Maybe I'll work on getting users to work with it again (though I may need to fix the forum first so that people don't need to register twice).

Website: I have in mind to update many many things and maybe even add in a java application or two that I made at school, but that won't happen today. One thing I might update today is the developer section, as it would be nice to have more content to add in.

School: I'm done with projects for a while, and I have quaterlies all next week, which means that I'll have less homework and more free time to do stuff. So, hopefully I'll stop being lazy and get on with something.

Movies: As some of you know, I've been spending some time with Lordclark Productions and making movies. Now, I won't link to that site yet as I've made some big mistakes on the pages and it doesn't at all look good, but just so you know that will be forthcoming (it will be updated weekly with different funny raw footage that will later be made into a movie. Some animated movies are also in the works and will be shown there too.).

That about wraps things up. So I have work to do, no ram to waste, and some eating to do.



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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 28, 2006 3:06 PM.

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The next post in this blog is The extra hour.

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