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Fixing up the sites

Today I've worked a little on fixing errors on the archive pages. So, now hopefully you'll never be taken to a page that doesn't exist, or to a page your not supposed to see. In other news, I finished a basic database of the old forum (or a forumbase). You can download it here. It's a 30 meg download but when you unrar it it gets to somewhere around 200 megs. Those of you who originally posted on that forum will probably have the most laughs when reading through some of this, if you choose. I'll be trying to fish out the relevant information about BOL that isn't already on the site and add it. I once talked about putting the entire archive online here, and I still plan to, but that will take a lot more time. If anyone wants to now help me find the relevant information in here then go ahead, do it, and I'll be more than happy to transfer what you've found here on the site. One thing I realized was missing from the site was a basic FAQ about BOL. That can now be found by one of the links on the right entitled: BOL FAQ.

Server update: It will be up monday or tuesday. In the meantime I'll work on getting something new compiled by then. Until then, I hope to hear some feedback.



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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 17, 2006 5:27 PM.

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The next post in this blog is New Life.

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