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Fun in the snow

This is like the second post in an hour, but I have nothing else to do right now :P . So, first of all make sure you read the previous post if you haven't already. I've updated the client download about four times so far today, and I'm not done yet, so if your not sure whether or not you have the latest thing just redownload it. So far the npcs are becoming much more stable (they no longer are so spazzy in their movements) but they don't all move properly. If you log on you might wonder why all the npcs have a number in their name. That's their ID, just so it's easier for me and other people later on who want to play around with them. If you accidentally try to create an npc with an ID that already exists it will give you and error and try to crash, but hitting ignore will usually get you out of it. And now for the real reason of this post; pictures!



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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 28, 2006 12:44 PM.

The previous post in this blog was I said I wouldn't post....

The next post in this blog is A Sneek Peek.

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