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Like a cloud

Don't ask me why I wrote that title, it has almost nothing to do with this post. But, anyway, I've been sick today and have also decided, once again, to take a break from the land of errors which is the login screen. Also, about a gui, good luck with that. Onto better news, what I have had the courage to try and fix are the clouds. Why they misteriously stopped working I'll never know. Right at this very moment what I hope to be the fix is compiling. So, I'll come back and edit this post when that great thing arises.


[EDIT:] It didn't work. However, I was able to do another test to see that it could work, and that I didn't mess up anything in the engine. So, I'll finish fixing it tomorrow, and hopefully I'll feel better. Now for food and sleep. [/EDIT]


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