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Sixty-eight pages of code

That's right, you read it correctly, 68 pages of code. And that's not even the entire thing. So what am I talking about? I'm talking about the massive amount of changes I'm adding to the game. In the main cpp file alone there are 3056 lines of code, which comes out to 68 pages worth. For people who've seen me lately I've been carrying around this clipboard and constantly reading code, which is kind of weird and cool at the same time. But, because of me carrying it around today I got a lot of more people interested in BOL, and they might be reading this right now, or heading over to the downloads section to try it out. For those who want to play online, you want to download this version. The only thing lacking in that version is that the clouds aren't working for some reason. So, if your obsessed with having clouds, and don't care to be online, then download this version. If any of those links aren't working then please leave a comment so I can know to fix it.

If your the only one online and feel lonely, email me and I'll play with you if I'm availible (which I usually am, though I won't be tonight). So, enjoy, have fun, and be warned: I am still in a pre-beta stage. This means that the RPG part of BOL hasn't been coded yet, that these are not the final graphics, and that there are still some errors and bugs that need to be worked out. If you have errors or find bugs please either email me, leave a comment here, or post something on the forums. For more information about the games use the links on the right -> ->




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Comments (2)


WE COULD HAVE WON MARK WE COULD HAVE WON IF WE BEAT THE LIVING $%$# OUT OF THAT FAT KID NEAR OUR TABLE, but that was then and this now, i guess ill try your game and see whats soo awsome and lame about it =]


There's nothing lame about a 3d game programmed by a single person. About what's awesome, well, the clouds for one when they're working. As well as the sun glare, and the fact that your a flying GNU that can throw snowballs. I'll get out that patch once I finish my english.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 8, 2006 3:03 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Some Newfound Bugs.

The next post in this blog is Like a cloud.

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