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As anyone keeping up with the site should know, I was making all sorts of progress with BOL and then all of a sudden haven't posted any updates. Well, there are some good reasons for this. First of all, I very recently acquired the code of a game that is very interesting and is helping me to get the physics working as it should. And yes, amazingly enough this means that jumping off cliffs might become possible soon. Also, because I have a new player model, and because everyone has been wanting one, I'm doing a makeover of the character code so that it isn't so hard to update all the time. For npcs, as many of you have already seen some of them work great, and some of them don't. I still need to finish the code for a server-side npc handler, since as of now they've always been client-sided creations. This is close to completion, so, if I don't keep getting distracted, I should have many new updates by the end of today. I'll be updating the developer's page so that those of you who care can see what's being worked on right now.



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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 6, 2007 10:49 AM.

The previous post in this blog was A Sneek Peek.

The next post in this blog is Loading Random Loading Messages.

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