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A Missed Target

Targets are now officially released! You can download the updated client from here or the full thing from here. But, the bad news is that the targets also officially don't work right. Or, they do but the server portion isn't working right. As the collision is mysteriously not working for some of the npcs, it is also not working for most of the targets. So, until then the definite ways to get points is to log in, find wholes or cracks in the earth, and an added challenge which is to find the solar glare. For a few weeks now there has been no sun in the sky, but a small glitch in my programming means that there is still a solar flare in the sky, though it can only be seen from certain places and at a certain angle. For every 5 solar flares that you find (and take a screenshot of) you'll receive 5 points. The rule is that they have to be from different locations. This isn't too hard of a task as I've found about 30 different places where solar flare is present in my travels. So good luck! I'll be working hard until I can figure out what's up with this whole collision thing.



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Comments (4)

Terrance Betts:

hey what does a solar flare look like?


Haven't you ever seen the lens flare thing? It's like... circles... kind of... and everything looks all bright for a moment. Y'know?



oh okay, thanks guys

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