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Targets coming to a wednesday near you!

The way things are going I think I should be able to release targets on wednesday. So far I've updated the server about four times (which I know for a fact that no one experienced), so now collision works better. If you log in now, most of the npcs will be hit if you throw a snowball at them. For example, if you hit anyone near the pingoo village your bound to see them get hit. Unfortunately, for unknown reasons, some of the npcs don't get hit when you throw a snowball at them. The reason this is so important is because it's hard to give points to people who've hit targets when the server doesn't seem to realize that they have.
In other good news, I've figured out a way for the server to save and load npcs, so even after a server reset they'll still be there. So, for those of you who've forgotten, you can create your own npcs in-game using the command /addBot. Correct usage of the command is explained if you type in /help addBot. If you have any other questions feel free to leave a comment. I'll get back to work now. Enjoy the superbowl!



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