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I wasn't home much tonight, again, but I did upgrade the server again, and I'm very close to figuring out this whole collision issue. I also discovered a bug that no one else had discovered where some of the player and npc ids overlapped, causing crashes if certain players were to log in (no one did but I tried it out myself). This problem has been officially fixed and no one has to worry about it anymore. Also, for the collision problems, I realized that the server actually wasn't calculating enough of the collisions. Basically the client, leftover from it's standalone offline days, was still trying some of the collisions itself, so the server never knew about some collisions, couldn't alert the client, and the client never responded to them. This is being fixed tomorrow. Also, I have no school this next week so I should have plenty of time to figure everything out, have a good weekend!


p.s. If you live somewhere like California or go to private school and therefore don't have vacation, good luck.


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