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Update of 3/17/07

There are a number of bugs with what I have right now but I did promise that I'd have an update today, so here it is. Starting with the release I am declaring that we've moved into the alpha stage. While all that's different in this update compared to the last one is a new character and a few bug fixes I feel that we're getting close enough to good gameplay to put the title alpha on it. BOL won't get to the beta stage in my opinion until I can get at least the basic rpg elements into the game. I should be able to get a lot farther soon with some more content but unless others help me with graphics beta is still a long way away. I would have tried to fix a few more things for this release but the unexpected event of snow (10 inches) has taken up a bit of my time, shoveling. So, I'm leaving what I'll call the old demo on the site because it was one of the many stepping stones of BOL, and it is kind of a fun mini-game (when multiple people are online playing). Now I have an ever increasing mountain of bugs to go wade through while I force some code together between animations. Have a good day!


(p.s. Be sure to read the README.txt file to know how to log in and play and stuff.)


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