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Disk Boot Error

That title is about all I want to say about it. I had just finished fixing 651 errors about five minutes prior to the computer rebooting and telling me the above mentioned error. So, I'll see what I can do, and try to figure out what caused this problem in the first place. What this does mean though is that there is a chance that I've just lost all of my work from the past month at least. So, I'll keep hoping for the best. Wish me luck, because I sure need it after my experiences today.



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Comments (2)

I once had an error like that... I learned one thing from it. Make backups of all critical work.

If you end up needing to do data recovery, shoot me an email. I might know a few things that will help.


Hehehe... actually, after about six hours of work, at least, I have managed to recover everything. Now I'll just need to re-install all my programs and figure out what's wrong with my third hard drive. But as I won't have time to do that until tomorrow I'll just make another backup of it and then go eat some pie.


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