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Status and Voting

So, I haven't posted in a few days so here's my update on what's up. The server needs windows to be reinstalled on it but Jon forgot to give me the license key and it's at his work so I can't do that until tomorrow. I'll do something graphical today that looks cool so you guys can have something to see or do. I'll also see if I can get the server to work temporarily before tomorrow.

Second order of business, Eric has nominated Tronjheim as the name for the third Dwarven city. Post your thoughts on the name. If no one has any big objections by the end of tomorrow then I'm going to use it.



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Comments (2)

Not liking the "heim." Sounds distinctly German, and not very dwarvish to me. I'd be more in favor of something similar to Tronjkrahm... or something


I'm going to be very neutral on this decision, mostly because I'm bad at names and need the help. I'm not sure which Eric it is that posted on the forums, though I think I know. Thankyou for your view videoguy. And now for future voters; do you like Tronjheim or Tronjkrahm better? Or do other people have other ideas for a name?


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 4, 2006 11:24 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Server Maintenance.

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