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Bug of the week

I really hope that I don't find enough bugs to have to declare a bug of the week every week, but there is a pretty big bug right now. When I was trying to fix how names are displayed over players (I want the actual play name displayed, not that dumb entity######) I found that when I changed how people are created I messed up how players get connected to the server, meaning that two different players couldn't be online at the same time without errors being created. The good thing about this is that it was also at the root of the problem where names don't get displayed correctly. So, moral of the story is that I'm close to having a solution and should have another update tomorrow. And that is the bug of the week.


p.s. Also today, I found that I hadn't updated all the files in the release yesterday, meaning that the sky had still been the old one. So, I reuploaded both the full and upgrade downloads and you can now get the latest version using those links.


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