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August 2007 Archives

August 2, 2007

Preview 8/2/07

Last weekend my family and I went camping. And it was a lot of fun. But now that I'm back, I've been swamped with work to do; Teen movies, website maintenance, coding, editing, and modelling, to name a few. As I've been so slow with updates and such I thought that I might at least show you something I was working on yesterday:

Those little goodies are what they look like in-game, and I'm working to have a bunch more. If all goes well then I'll have something up on the server and a new client for everyone to mess with and complain about :) . Until then.


Transfer Complete

Birthoflegends.com has now finally been fully transfered here to the new host. Now, I know that I have a lot of work ahead of me, but at least I won't have to keep moving things around here on the site. For the observant people out there, your right, I haven't put the buttons on the top yet. The reason being that I think that I really need to redo them, along with the fact that there are still broken links and unfinished pages that need attending. However, before I go fixing all of that and getting the site looking good again I'm going to finish a basic client for people to play with. As a warning for people who might complain later, the old accounts are going to be reset (what that means exactly I haven't decided yet), and much of the old stuff you saw in previous clients will be no more (and I haven't decided exactly what's being left behind). So I'll go work that. Thanks for being patient.


August 7, 2007

The Countdown

This week is kind of a countdown, for what I can't be sure of yet. On Saturday I leave to go to teen camp and I hope to have a playable client up by then. Last Saturday (or maybe it was Sunday) I made a checklist of what I wanted to get done before leaving for camp, and it goes as follows:
1. Finish the database (MySQL) layout. Check.
2. Finish the server/client network code. Almost Check.
3. Finish the rest of the server. Will be checked when 2 gets checked.
4. Finish a playable client (not playable as in done but playable as in players can actually do something besides just waling around). Not Checked.

So that's the BOL status at the moment. If I was doing nothing else but working on BOL I might promise the above checklist to be done by friday. However, since that is not the case I can't promise that it will be finished. I can promise that I'll have something done by saturday but what that something is exactly is still to be determined. The something else I've been doing is working with 3ds Max and Aftereffects to work on movie projects for teen camp. Below are some side things I did in Aftereffects. Enjoy.

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August 10, 2007

The Last 12 Hours

So I leave in twelve hours and I was really hoping to have something up for people to play. Sadly though, for some unknown reason, I can't seem to connect to the server computer. The server has been finished but I haven't been able to install it yet because of this. The client is very close to completion and should be done by the morning. If I still can't connect to the server computer tomorrow morning then I'll see if I can manage to do it from camp. Thank you for your patience, and a special thanks goes out to Ixnius who helped me today to fix up the site a bit. Have a good night!


August 21, 2007

I'm Back. Server Missing. Got License.

I've been a little bit slow in updating but I have a reason. I originally planned to update sometime during camp but I never got around to it. I would have set up the server and let people start playing, but shortly before I left for camp I became unable to connect to the server. And, I am still unable to connect. I believe that the problem is that the "static" IP changed however as I don't have any way to directly talk to the owner I can't confirm that yet. So, until I Jon gets a response and forwards it to me I won't be able to put up the server.

In other news, I got my license! Now of course I don't have a car that I can drive whenever I want, but I do have it. Well, I'll go and finish up the client now and hope that the server is found soon. Thanks for being patient.


August 23, 2007

Server is Back!

The server is back. It hadn't changed IPs but rather there was a power failure and it hadn't been reset yet. Thanks go to Jon M. for fixing this problem. So now for the client news:
I think that it's mostly done, but Microsoft doesn't agree. When compiling I currently get 2747 errors and 162 warnings. That said, I think most of these problems are small things that are being repeated multiple times. I'll post again later tonight, and hopefully I'll have it compiled by then.


Setback. Need some sleep.

So it's not finished yet and this is really starting to annoy me. It had been compiling fine before camp but now all of a sudden it's having massive problems, which seems to always happen. I'm now down to just over 1000 errors, which is an improvement over the 2700 I had earlier but still isn't fixed. I try to solve it in my dream tonight which sometimes works. I probably forgot something really small that is now making everything a nightmare. Tomorrow I also promised my mom that I'd finish (and start) my AP English project, so I'll see how that all goes. Hopefully I'll have time to complete everything. If anyone wants to help me by making character models or items for the game I'd love some more 3d content to work with. Until next time!


About August 2007

This page contains all entries posted to Birth of Legends in August 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

July 2007 is the previous archive.

September 2007 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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