What's up?
The UPS guy was attacked by a trunk-monkey and it is now very uncertain as to when the server will be back up. Please send all your complaints and flames to Jon, who doesn't have work tomorrow. Other news:
-Site no longer has that annoying grayed out horizontal scroll bar, score!
-Computer still is slow but situation has improved somewhat with my remote possibilities.
-I'm having lots of fun coding (not so much right now) and have put in some "new" features that for now will remain classified.
-The Boxer by Simon and Garfunkel is currently playing on my computer.
-Lordclark.com has a link on the bottom of it's homepage with links to what I've been working on. Feel free to find all the bugs that I know are there (I'm just to lazy to fix them right now).
-In case download page is wrong and I don't feel like fixing it this is the most recent version I think, though that link might not be right since I wrote it off the top of my head.
-I finished watching season 3 of stargate sg-1 today.